On all the other days that I was here I had a certain glow about me. I was back in "my country" with the people I love in the place I know as my second home. I was happy. Incredibly, incredibly happy.
But today, a certain funk fell over me. The funk of knowing that I would be leaving tomorrow and there was nothing I could do about it. Not that I don't have people and things to look forward to in Fort Worth - I do. It's just not here. I don't know how to explain it fully. I don't know if I ever could explain it fully unless you saw how I am when I am here with you own eyes. I am alive. I am free. I am plugged into my deepest passions. Although there are certain luxuries that you live without, there is much joy here.
Tomorrow will be incredibly difficult. At 6:30 a.m. I will hug all of my Guest House friends and say "au revoir." At 7 a.m. I will load into one of the Guest House vehicles and ride to the airport with Oge. And at 7:30 a.m. I will give Oge a hug goodbye and walk into the American Airlines terminal. I will cry. I will probably cry a lot. Leaving half of your heart behind is a difficult thing to do.
But! Because so much was accomplished towards moving Bracelets of Blessing forward on this trip I am hopeful that another visit will be needed before the end of 2012. I am crossing my fingers and praying fervently that I might be able to make it back in December of 2012 to help with the transition into the new program. I don't think I could go another year without getting to Haiti again - both for the sake of my soul and for the true establishment of Bracelets of Blessing.
It was a great sight. If I come to visit in December I think it will be fully completed by then, which is great news. This congregation has been worshiping underneath a big tree, rain or shine, since the earthquake. What a wonderful blessing for them to be able to worship in a building again! And a safe one at that! I'm excited for them and for the day that I'll be able to see the building completed.
Beyond that, it was a pretty quiet day. Oge and I picked up a team from the Baptist Mission, too, and ate lunch at the Epi d'or, but that was about it. I also got to catch up with Tom a bit tonight which was fun to hear all the stories from the past few months as well as catch up on what TV the crew here had been watching. :) Just kind of a poze day... which is probably appropriate as the other days seem to have been go-go-go.
And with that... I better sign off. Time to get some rest and prepare for a long day of travel tomorrow. Sending love to all of you. And to you, Ayiti cherie. Mwen renmen ou anpil.
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