Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Plea for Help

So here in Galveston there are two DOC churches... one is Central Christian Church (the one we're staying at and helping to rebuild) and the other is Second Christian Church.

Today's story is about Second Christian.

Second Christian Church is a small African American church here in Galveston. I worshiped with them today and I cannot even tell you how wonderful it was and how beautiful the people there are.

When Hurricane Ike hit, their building took on 5 feet of water and it basically destroyed everything within the building. Unlike Central Christian Church, who only took on one foot of water, Second Christian has NO insurance to cover this kind of disaster. Therefore, they have NO money.

Since Hurricane Ike, they've been worshiping in the fellowship hall of Central Christian and have spent that time trying to get their own homes back in shape. The pastor this morning even told all of us that after Ike hit, he didn't even want to try to fix the building until each member of the church was able to move back into their homes. He thought it was most important to have the church family all reuinted before fixing the church building.

This summer we'll have approximately 200 volunteers come through willing to do work, but we don't have the funds to fix this church.

Therefore, this is my plea to all of you: If you can help, PLEASE DO. Helping can happen in a lot of ways. It can happen by you donating money, or telling someone you know who might be willing to donate to this cause about this issue. Another thing you can do is donate your skills. For example, if you're an electrician, a plumber, or someone who fixes foundations... we could use you. Or, if you know someone who knows these things and would be willing to donate their time... that would also be fantastic.

I'm not certain what all the needs are quite yet as Carl's still getting that all together. But please, you have the resources, help. This chuch is so ready to move back home.

As for other things, tonight two more groups come in so I'm sure I'll be busy. :) Also, tomorrow two more long-term volunteers will be joining us for the rest of the summer so that'll be neat too.

So yes. I'm off for now. I hope you all are having lovely days!

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